Subject: MSR Betty Leicester's Christmas Author: Sarah Orne Jewett Uploaded By: HOST Comp Joots Date: 12/15/2002 File: Betty Leicester's Christmas.lit (139739 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 4 Equipment: Windows computer or Pocket PC Needs: MS Reader Keywords: Betty Leicester's Christmas, Sarah Orne Jewett, Family Fiction Betty Leicester's Christmas by Sarah Orne Jewett, 1899 "She takes such dear trouble," said Betty, warmly. She never forgets anybody. Some grown persons behave as if you ought to be ashamed of not being older, and as if you were going to bore them if they didn't look out." At this moment Warford came back most loyally from the other side of the room, and presently some gentlemen made their appearance, and the delightful singing began. Betty, who loved music, sat and listened like a quiet young robin in her red dress, and her father who looked at her happy, dreaming face, was sure that there never had been a dearer girl in the world. Lady Mary looked at her too, and was really full of wonder, because in some way Betty had managed with simple friendliness to make her shy nephew quite forget himself, and to give some feeling of belongingness to Edith Banfield, who would have felt astray by herself in a strange English house. Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909), was an American novelist and short story writer. She wrote of provincial American life in Maine. Her collection of short stories _Country of the Pointed Firs_, is considered to be her best work. At keyword: Etext, you'll find thousands of interesting books.